Morning Edition | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Morning Edition

fri 30 oct 2020 07:00 hrs

Works of Carl Nielsen, Félix Weingartner, Georges Migot, Joachim Raff, Henri Tomasi.

 07:01 Symphony No.5, opus 50.

Carl Nielsen
Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rafael Kubelik.

 07:40 Octuor, opus 73

Félix Weingartner
L’Octuor de France.

 08:20 Trio (ou Suite à trois).

Georges Migot
Trio Hochelaga: Anne Robert, violin. Paul Marleyn, cello. Stéphane Lemelin, piano.

 08:59 Suite for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 200

Joachim Raff
Tra Nguyen, piano; Symphony Orchestra of Norrland’s Opera conducted by Roland Kluttig

 09:38 Concerto pour saxophone et orchestre.

Henri Tomasi
Theodore Kerkezos, saxophone. London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Yuri Simonov.

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