Missa etcetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa etcetera

tue 2 jul 2019 18:00 hrs

Western religious music from different centuries.

A mass by Anton Diabelli and motets Théodore Dubois.

Anton Diabelli (1781-1858)
1. Mass op.147 in F major, “Pastoralmesse”
– Angelus ad pastores
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Puer natus est nobis
– Credo
– Sanctus
– Benedictus
– Agnus Dei

Christa Degler, soprano. Sylvia Lindenstrand, mezzo-soprano. Sunhild Rauschkolb, alto. Desmond Clayton, tenor. Hartmut Müller, bass. Chor von St. Michael München and Orchester von St. Michael München conducted by Ernst Ehret

Théodore Dubois (1837-1924)
2. Trio “Sub tuum”, 1873
3. Ave Maria, 1873
4. Ave verum, 1901
Katia Vellétaz, soprano. Emiliano Gonzalez Toro, tenor. Baptiste Lopez, violin. Pauline Buet, cello. Clara Izambert, harp. Diego Innocenzi, organ

Picture: Anton Diabelli
Courtesy of Muziekweb in Rotterdam.

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