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Missa etcetera

sun 10 feb 2019 15:00 hrs

Western religious music from different centuries.
Compositions from the 19th century by Charles Gounod. 

Charles Gounod (1818-1893)
1. Messe brève nr.7, “Aux chapelles”
– Kyrie
– Gloria in excelsis Deo
– Domine fili unigenite
– Quoniam tu solus Sanctus
– Sanctus
– O salutaris hostia
– Agnus Dei
Raphaela Mayhaus, soprano. Christa Bonhoff, alto. Tobias Götting, organ. Vocalisti conducted by Hans-Joachim Lustig

2. Messe funèbre in F major
– Kyrie
– Sanctus
– Pie Jesu
– Agnus Dei
Li Chin Huang, soprano. Daîa Durimel, alto. Pierre Vaello, tenor. Bruno Dubois, bass. Quintette à Cordes de Versailles, Chorale Franco-Allemande de Paris conducted by Bernard Lallement

3. Te Deum
Maria Topperzer and Vibeke Franck, harp. Bo Grønbech, organ. Vox Danica conducted by Ebbe Munk

Théodore Dubois (1837-1924)
4. Hymn for organ, harp and violin, “Hymne nuptial”
Charles Gounod
5. Hymn for organ, harp and violin, “Hymne à Sainte Cécile”
Franz Hauk, organ. Johanna Maier, harp. Samson Gonaschwili, violin

Charles Gounod
6. Marche pontificale, “Marche romaine”
Philippe Sauvage, organ

With thanks to Muziekweb in Rotterdam.

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