Missa Etcetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa Etcetera

sun 28 may 2017 15:00 hrs
Composer: Johann Mattheson

Western religious music from different centuries. A Magnificat and a cantata from the late baroque and classical period.

Johann Mattheson (1681-1764)
1. Magnificat for soloists, 2  choirs and orchestra, “Meine Seele erhebet den Herren”
Nicki Kennedy and Anna Crookes, soprano Ursula Eitinger, alto. Andreas Post, tenor. Stephen MacLeod, bass. Kölner Akademie under the direction of Michael Alexander Willens

Georg Gebel (1709-1753)
2. Cantata for soloists, choir and orchestra, “Gott Lob! Mein Jesus macht mich rein”
Veronika Winter, soprano. Britta Schwarz, alto. Andreas Post, tenor. Matthias Vieweg, bas. Les Amis de Philippe under the direction of Ludger Rémy

Special thanks to Muziekweb in Rotterdam.

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