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sun 23 jun 2024 14:00 hrs

This afternoon, we return to the European continent, specifically to France. We will delve into the music of three successive generations of French composers from the 20th century.
You’ll hear symphonies by Albert Roussel, Arthur Honegger and Henri Dutilleux.

  1. Albert Roussel, Symphony no. 2 op 23 in Bes majeur
    Orchestre National De France conducted by Charles Dutoit
  2. Arthur Honegger, Symphony no. 5 “Di Tre Re”
    Orchestre National De France conducted by Charles Dutoit

    1. Allegro
    2. Marcato 
  3. Henri Dutilleux, Symphony no. 1 + Métaboles (Flamboyant)
    L’Orchestre National de Lille conducted by Jean-Claude Casadesus
Produced by:
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