L’Esprit Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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L’Esprit Baroque

thu 28 mar 2024 20:00 hrs
Composer: Luigi Rossi

The baroque spirit in all his musical shapes. With Easter on the horizon, we will focus on music that’s composed in connection with the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Italian 17th century composer Luigi Rossi composed ‘Oratorio per la Settimana Santa’, an ‘Oratorium for Holy Week’.

Luigi Rossi (1597 – 1653)
1. Oratorio per la Settimana Santa
Part 1
– I Sinfonia
– II Cosi varia è la fortuna
– III Respirate altre caverne
– IV O menzogne fortunate
Part 2
– V Sinfonia
– VI Tormenti non più
– VII Asprissimi chiodi
– VIII Et tu croce ingemmata
– IX O follia di cieca fè
– X Così empio valor
– XI Piangete occhi
Nuria Rial, soprano. Gianluca Buratto, bass. Coro Del Friuli Venezia Giulia and L’Aura Soave Cremona conducted by Diego Cantalupi
(CD: Luigi Rossi – Oratorio della Settimana Santa. MV Cremona MVC 007-021, 2017)

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644 – 1704)
From: Rosenkrantz-Sonaten
2. Sonata 6 in c minor: Christus am Ölberg
– I Lamento
– II Presto
– III Adagio
3. Sonata 7 in F major: Geisselung Jesu
– I Allamanda
– II Sarabanda – Variatio
4. From Sonata 8 in B flat major: Dornenkrönung
– I (no title)
Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch, violin. Ensemble Battalia
(CD: Rosenkranz-Sonaten. Ondine ODE 1243-2D, 2014)

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