L’Esprit Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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L’Esprit Baroque

sun 22 nov 2020 15:00 hrs

The baroque spirit in all its musical shapes. 22 November is the day of saint Cecilia, patron of music and musicians. Today, we honour her with two works from the Baroque.

We hear Missa Sanctae Caeciliae of Jan Dismas Zelenka, and Ode on saint Cecilia’s day “The charms of Harmony display” of William Boyce.

Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679 – 1745)
From: Missa Sanctae Caeciliae, ZWV 1 (1711 / 1727)
1 Kyrie eleison
2 Gloria in excelcis
Gabriela Eibenová, soprano. Kai Wessel, alto. Tobias Hunger, tenor. Marián Krejčík, Jaromír Nosek, bass. Ensemble Inégal and Prague Baroque Soloists conducted by Adam Viktora
(CD: Jan Dismas Zelenka : Missa Sanctae Caeciliae. Nibiru 167, 2020)

William Boyce (1711 – 1779)
3 Ode on saint Cecilia’s day “The charms of Harmony display” (1738)
Patrick Burrowes, boy soprano. William Purefoy, alto. Michael George, bass baritone. Choir of New College Oxford and The Hanover Band conducted by Graham Lea-Cox
(CD: David’s lamentation over Saul and Jonathan. Universal 00743625020823, ASV GAU 208, 2000)

Jan Dismas Zelenka
From: Missa Sanctae Caeciliae, ZWV 1 (1711 / 1727)
4 Sanctus – Benedictus
5 Agnus Dei
Gabriela Eibenová, soprano. Kai Wessel, alto. Tobias Hunger, tenor. Marián Krejčík, Jaromír Nosek, bass. Ensemble Inégal and Prague Baroque Soloists conducted by Adam Viktora
(CD: Jan Dismas Zelenka – Missa Sanctae Caeciliae. Nibiru 167, 2020)

Henry Purcell (1659 – 1695)
From: Ode for saint Cecilia’s day “Welcome to all the pleasures”
6 Symphony
Collegium Vocale Gent conducted by Philippe Herreweghe
(CD: Odes for saint Cecilia’s day. Harmonia Mundi HMG HMC 901643, 1998)

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