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tue 26 mar 2019 23:00 hrs

JazzNotJazz focus on Jakob Bro

Danish guitarist Jakob Bro is considered to be one of the ‘Coolest Things in Jazz Today’ (Downbeat). His spacious sound lays the foundation for his projects, a.o. trios with bass player Thomas Morgan and drummers Joey Baron and Jon Christensen. He is a key figure in New York’s downtown-scene. His most recent live-album is Bay of Rainbows on the renowned ECM label.

Jakob Bro played in the bands of Paul Motian and Tomasz Stańko, and collaborated on his own albums with a.o. Lee Konitz, Bill Frisell, Mark Turner and many others.

Besides works by Jakob Bro we will also play remarkable music from other Scandinavian musicians such as Skúli Sverrisson, Óskar Guðjónsson, Mathias Eick or Mats Eilertsen. The latter plays together with Dutch pianist Harmen Fraanje.
Also featured are two (older) tracks by the godfather of Scandinavian Jazz, Jan Garbarek.




1. Origin – Jakob Bro / The Stars are All New Songs (2008, Loveland Records)
2. Afternoon Variant – Skúli Sverrisson & Óskar Guðjónsson / The Box Tree (2013, Seria Music)
3. Green Sky – Jakob Bro / Sidetracked (2005, Loveland Records)
4. Albatross – Mats Eilertsen, Harmen Fraanje & Thomas Strønen / And then comes the Night (2019, ECM)
5. Vraa – Jakob Bro / Balladeering (2009, Loveland Records)
6. My Song – Keith Jarrett, Jan Garbarek, Palle Danielsson & Jon Christensen / My Song (1978, ECM)
7. Lyskaster – Jakob Bro, Palle Mikkelborg, Thomas Morgan & Jon Christensen / Returnings (2018, ECM)
8. Dakota – Mathias Eick / Midwest (2015, ECM)
9. And They All Came Marching Out Of The Woods – Jakob Bro, Thomas Morgan & Jon Christensen / Gefion (2015, ECM)
10. Parce Mihi Domine – Jan Garbarek & The Hilliard Ensemble / Officium (1994, ECM)
11. Red Hook – Jakob Bro, Thomas Morgan & Joey Baron / Bay of Rainbows (2018, ECM)


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