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sun 16 jun 2024 16:00 hrs

The sound of longing

In this episode of Harmonious we will listen to the sound of longing. The sound of burning, insatiable, and indefinite Sehnsucht. Featuring symphonic music by Alban Berg and Samuel Barber and Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss’ songs.


1)    Gustav Mahler: Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Rückert Lieder IV) [comp. 1901]. Magdalena Kožená (mezzo-soprano); Berliner Philharmoniker; Simon Rattle (conductor).

2)    Alban Berg: (picture) Violinkonzert “Dem andenken eines Engels” [comp. 1935]. Christian Tetzlaff (violin); Deutsches Symphonie Orchester Berlin; Robin Ticciati (conductor).

3)    Richard Strauss: Vier letzte Lieder: III September & IV Im Abendrot [comp. 1948]. Soile Isokosi (soprano); Rundfunk Sinfonie Orchesters Berlin; Marek Janowski (conductor).

4)    Samuel Barber: Adagio for strings (opus 11) [comp. 1936]. Los Angeles Philharmonic; Leonard Bernstein (conductor).


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