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sun 7 jun 2015 18:00 hrs

Concertante music for flute by Przybylski, Hidas, Escher & Melby.

1. Dariusz Przybylski. Flute concerto.
Jadwiga Kotnowska, flute.
Aukso Orkest conducted by Marek Mos.
2. Frigyes Hidas.
Concerto no 2 for flute and symphonic band.
Carola Ligt, flute.
Koninklijke Miltaire Kapel conducted by Pieter Jansen.
3. Rudolf Escher.
Air pour charmer un lézard, opus 28.
Jacques Zoon, flute. Bernd Brackman, piano.
4. John Melby. Concerto no 1 for flute and computer-synthesized tape.
Rachel Rudich, flute.

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