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sun 11 jan 2015 18:00 hrs

Concerts for string quartet or string trio and orchestra, episode 1 (of 2).

1. Erwin Schulhoff. 
Concert for string quarter and wind players.
Leipziger Streichquartett.
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin led by Roland Kluttig.
2. Alfred Schnittke. Concert for string trio and orchestra. 
Gidon Kremer, violin. Yuri Bashmet, viola. 
Mitslaw Rostropovich, cello. 
Moscow soloists. 
3. George Dyson. Concert for string quartet and orchestra ‘Concerto da Chiesa’. 
Duncan Ridell & Helen Cox, violin.
Stuart Green, viola. Timothy Walden, cello.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra led by David Lloyd-Jones.

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