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Genius Music Friends

tue 7 jul 2020 20:00 hrs


We were on our way to London with Haydn. His next stop was Schloss Wallerstein. The royal seat of Kraft Ernst Prince von Öttingen-Wallerstein, who spent loads of money on music. He had a top orchestra that was led by Antonio Rosetti for a long time. When Mozart suddenly died a year later, a Requiem of Rosetti was played during the massively attended memorial Mass in Prague. The soprano part was sung by Josepha Dušek (picture). She was a dear friend of Mozart’s and for her he wrote two splendid concert arias, which we will play in the programme. Next we’ll return to a year earlier, to Haydn’s stay at Prince Kraft. Haydn conducts the Prince’s orchestra in his 92d Symfony ‘Oxford’; he is at the height of his powers.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Concert Aria KV 272



Ditto: Concert Aria KV 528


Christiane Oelze, soprano

Kammerorchester Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Hartmut Haenchen




Joseph Haydn: Symphony in G major, No. 92 ‘Oxford’


Austro-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra

Adam Fischer


The Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, UK

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