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thu 12 jun 2008 19:00 hrs

Portrait of Marco Beasley, who will perform early music in various places in the Netherlands during the 08/09 season.

Giovanni Stefani.
1. Amante felice.
Claudio Monteverdi.
2. Si dolce è ‘l tormento.
Biagio Marini.
3. Amante lontano dalla sua donna.
Cherubino Busatti.
4. Angela Siete.
Claudio Monteverdi.
5. Lettera amorosa a voce sola.
Giulio Caccini.
6. Ch’io non t’ami, cor mio?
Marco Cara.
7. Ostinato vo’ seguire.
8. Per fuggir d’amor le punte.
9. Pan de miglio caldo.
Paolo Scoto.
10. Capra moza sonemus et cantemus.
Marco Beasley/ B. Tromboncino.
11. Tu dormi.
12. A. Willaert. Vecchie letrose. G. Da Nola. Cingari simo.
S. Corneti.
13. Ch’aggio perduto.
B. Tromboncino.
14. Su, su, leva.
Marco Beasley, tenor.
Accordone led by Guido Morini, organ and harpsichord.

Marco Beasley

In 2008, Marco Beasley and lute players Stefano Rocco and Fabio Accurso will give six concerts in the Netherlands under the name of "Farewell, Italia! Dreamed diary of John Dowland in Italy". For more information: www.oudemuziek.nl
You can also order tickets on this website now.
Marco Beasley and Guido Morini will also perform with the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble (Dutch Wind Instrument Ensemble) in the sequel to Una Odissea: Una Iliade, which will happen in January/February 2009. Click here for more information: www.nbe.nl

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