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thu 3 apr 2008 19:00 hrs

The Dowland Project. Music from the CD ‘The Dowland Project’ by John Potter and Romaria is alternated with unalloyed music by John Dowland.

1. John Dowland.
– Can she excuse my wrongs?

– I saw my Lady weepe.

– Shall I strive with wordes to move?

Michael Chance, countertenor. Christopher Wilson, lute.
2. Der Kanzler, early 13th century.
schepfer aller dingen.

Ora pro nobis.
Oswald von Wolkenstein.
Der oben swebt.
John Potter, tenor. Romaria (Milos Valent, violin and viola. John Surman, soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, tenor and bass recorder. Stephen Stubbs, baroque guitar and vihuela)
3. John Dowland.
– Lachrimae Coactae.

– Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard.
4. John Dowland.
– Sorrow, come.
– Courant.
– Aria.

Connor Burrowes, soprano. Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet. David Miller, renaissance lute and guitar.
5. traditional Iberiaan.
Lá lume.
O Rosa.
Ein iberisch Postambel.
John Potter, tenor. Romaria.

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