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thu 7 feb 2008 19:00 hrs

Cantatas by Rameau and Campra, and lute music by Hotteterre.

1. Jean Philippe Rameau.
Cantate Thesis.
Alain Buet, bass. Les Musiciens de Monsieur Croche.
2. Jacques Martin de Hotteterre.
Suite II: Prelude.
Wilbert Hazelzet, transverse flute. Jacques Ogg, harpsichord. Jaap ter Linden, gamba. Konrad Junghanel, theorbe.
3. Rameau.
Cantate Le Berger Fidele.
Karin Deshayes, soprano. Les Musiciens de Monsieur Croche.
4. Hottetere.
Suite II: Allemande & Sarabande.
Wilbert Hazelzet, transverse flute. Jacques Ogg, harpsichord. Jaap ter Linden, gamba. Konrad Junghanel, theorbe.
5. Andre Campra.
Cantate Enée et Didon.
Jill Feldman, soprano. Jean-Francois Gardeil, baritone. Les Arts Florrisants led by William Christie.
6. Hottetere.
Suite III: Allemande.
Wilbert Hazelzet, transverse flute. Jacques Ogg, clavecimbel. Jaap ter Linden, gamba. Konrad Junghanel, theorbe.

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