An Ox on the Roof | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Ox on the Roof

sun 3 may 2020 12:00 hrs

An Ox on the Roof 14: the Ox in times of Corona #2.

This is the 14th episode in the series An Ox on the Roof  by Thea Derks, a series which is loosely based on her book Een os op het dak: moderne muziek na 1900 in vogelvlucht (an overview of contemporary music after 1900).

In episode 13 she paid attention to the cancelled world premieres of Mathilde Wantenaar and Karin Rehnqvist due to the Corona crisis, and the death of the Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki and the Dutch contemporary music fan Frans Curvers

In the meantime, the Dutch government has rolled out several measures to stop the Coronavirus: all concerts and festivals have been cancelled until 1 September 2020. Although, financial support has been offered to the cultural sector, it is just a drop in the ocean. All those active in the cultural sector are badly affected, as most of them do not work in employment, but as freelancers. At this moment, no one can tell what musical life will look like after 1 September.

In order to give Dutch composers and performers a helping hand, we play only music of national origin in today’s episode. Dutch composers are also amply covered in the book Een os op het dak: moderne muziek na 1900 in vogelvlucht, published in the pre-Corona era.


  1. Mathilde Wantenaar. Bach & Sufi.

Nederlands Blazers Ensemble featuring Elisabeth Hetherington & Haleh Seyfizadeh, vocals. Ali Ghamsari, tar. ‎


  1. Calliope Tsoupaki [photo]. From Triptychon: Lychnos tis posi mou. 

DoelenKwartet Rotterdam featuring Arjan Woudenberg, clarinet. 


  1. Willem Jeths. Fas/Nefas. 

Radio Symfonie Orkest led by Micha Hamel featuring Godelieve Schrama, harp.


Compilation, presentation and editing: Thea Derks


Produced & presented by:
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