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Early Delights

sun 15 nov 2020 15:00 hrs

A Sunday hour with early music goodies. Today, our programme is entirely dedicated to the Catalan soprano Núria Rial.

Núria Rial was born in Manresa and she successively studied at the conservatory in Barcelona and the Basel Academy of Music, Switzerland. There, she specialized in music from the Renaissance and Baroque.

Today we will mainly listen to her in Spanish music.

Esteban Daza (ca 1537 – ca 1593)
From: El Parnasso (1576)
1 Quien te hizo Juan pastor
2 A tierras agenas
3 Gritos dava la morenica

Francisco Courcelle (1705 – 1778)
Cantata: “A ti, invisible Ruisenor Canoro”
4 Recitative
5 Aria andantino
Núria Rial, soprano. José Miguel Moreno, vihuela
(CD: Nuria Rial – The Spanish album. Glossa GCD P10001, 2011)

Marianna Martines (1744 – 1812)
Cantata: “Il primo amore” (1778)
6 Ah troppo è ver
7 Sol che un istante
8 Nè sol quando la miro
9 Bella fiamma del mio core
Núria Rial, soprano. La Floridiana conducted by Nicoleta Paraschivescu
(CD: Marianna Martines – Il primo amore. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 88697885792, 2012)

Francisco Guerau (1649 – ca 1722)
10 Pavane
11 Xácara

Sebastián Durón (1660 – 1716)
From: El imposible mayor en amor (1710)
12 Y pues consentir no debo
13 Yo hermosissima ninfa
Uit: Las nuevas armas de amor (1711)
14 Quantos teméis al rigor

15 Marionas (addition)
Núria Rial, soprano. Accademia del Piacere conducted by Fahmi Alqhai
(CD: Muera Cupido – Theatrical music in Spain ca 1700. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 19075868472, 2019)

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