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Early Delights

sun 18 feb 2018 16:00 hrs

A Sunday hour with early music goodies. Today dance and singing from the Middle Ages and the early Baroque.


Anonymous, uit Le manuscrit du Roi (approx. 1270-1320)
1. La prime estampie royal
2. La seconde estampie royal
3. La tierche estampie roial
Hespèrion XXI conducted by Jordi Savall
(CD: Estampies & danses royales: Le Manuscrit du Roi approx. 1270-1320. AliaVox AV 9857, 2008)

Pierre Guédron (approx. 1565 – approx. 1620)
4. Quoy, faut il donc
5. Aux plaisirs, aux délices bergeres
6. Un jour l’amoureuse Silvie
Stephan Van Dyck, tenor. Private Musicke conducted by Pierre Pitzl
(CD: Echo de Paris: Parisian love songs 1610-1660. Accent ACC 24173, 2007)

Domenico da Piacenza (approx. 1400 – approx. 1470)
From: De arte saltandi et choreas ducendi
7. Iupiter
8. La figlia di Guglielmino
9. Belfiore
10. Tesara
11. La Gelosia
12. Belriguardo
Capella de Ministrers conducted by Carles Magraner
(CD: Quattrocento. Capella de Ministrers CDM 1742, 2017)

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger (1580-1651)
From Villanelle, book 4:
13. Cinta di rose
14. Ite, sospiri miei
15. Già risi
Marco Beasley, tenor. Private Musicke conducted by Pierre Pitzl, guitar
(CD: Meraviglia d’amore: Love songs from 17th-century Italy. Accent ACC 24330, 2017/ recording 2001)

Anonymous, from Le manuscrit du Roi, approx. 1270-1320
16. La quinte estampie real
Hespèrion XXI conducted by Jordi Savall
(CD: Estampies & danses royales: Le Manuscrit du Roi approx. 1270-1320. Alia Vox AV 9857, 2008)


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