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thu 18 apr 2024 21:00 hrs

A series on Jubilees in 2024: Guillaume Dufay, who passed away 550 years ago. Part 3/3

Guillaume Dufay passed away 550 years ago. He was an early figure in what would later be known as the Franco-Flemish school, also known as the Burgundian School, succeeding Gregorian music. Dufay was part of the school’s first generation, together with composers Gilles Binchois and Antoine Busnois.

Guillaume Dufay was born near Brussels around 1400, but later moved with his mother to live with a relative who was a canon at the Cathedral of Cambrai. Here, Dufay developed musically, produced his first motets and became famous…

Guillaume Dufay (ca. 1400-1474)
1. Motet “Supremum est mortalibus bonum”

2. Chanson “L’homme armé”

Guillaume Dufay
3. Missa L’homme armé
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Credo
– Jubilate Deo
– Sanctus
– Agnus Dei

Oxford Camerata conducted by Jeremy Summerly
(cd Dufay – Missa l’homme armé, Naxos 8.553087, 1995)

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