Componisten/uitvoerenden: Christopher McFall | Claus Poulsen | Dave Fyans | Frans de Waard | H. Stewart | Henrik Bagner | Jos Smolders | Sergey Suhovik
Contemporary Music Night #53 – Moving Furniture Records # 1.
De tweewekelijkse Hedendaagse Muziek Nacht op de Concertzender met vannacht de eerste aflevering van een serie van ongeveer vijftien nachten die geheel gewijd is aan het Nederlandse label Moving Furniture Records van Sietse van Erve.
U hoort alle van 2008 tot nu toe geproduceerde cd’s in chronologische volgorde.
Five Elements Music | Kapotte Muziek By
1. Sergey Suhovik. Kapotte Muziek By. 35:55
Five Elements Music = Sergey Suhovik: producer.
CDR 2008 – Moving Furniture Records MFR001 (edition of 100 copies)
Christopher McFall | Red is the color for price by relation
2. October’s Binding. 4:31
3. My Theeth. 5:48
4. When Failsafe Is Blooming. 5:46
5. Raven’s Admonition. 5:49
6. Her Teeth. 5:50
7. The Absence Felt At Sante Fe And Union PM. 4:35
8. The Blue Bottle. 4:47
9. 1517 Cherry Backlogged. 1:58
Christopher McFall: producer.
CDR 2009 – Moving Furniture Records MFR002 (edition of 100 copies)
10. In. 3:04
11. A. 4:41
12. At. 3:03
13. M. 3:54
14. Real. 3:29
15. Red. 3:03
16. Lines. 3:08
17. Rising. 2:05
18. Lights. 3:28
19. Divided. 2:02
20. Chartier Mix. 4:06
21. Formatt Mix. 1:18
22. Hudak Mix. 3:06
23. Pimmom Mix. 3:03
23. VV Mix. 3:02
24. 1-4. 10:14
Freiband = Frans de Waard: producer.
CDR 2009 – Moving Furniture Records MFR003 (edition of 100 copies)
25. Broadcasting on Ghost Frequencies. 48:53
Erstlaub = Dave Fyans: producer.
CDR 2009 – Moving Furniture Records MFR004 (edition of 100 copies)
26. Nautilus 2009. 20:31
27. Igheiobtgbwexdobn. 11:30
Jos Smolders: producer.
CDR 2009 – Moving Furniture Records MFR005 (edition of 100 copies)
H. Stewart | Dora Elizabeth
28. Comprehending sunrise. 3:04
29. A ballad for the lost. 2:45
30. The dirt road. 3:04
31. Not yet Mrs. 3:01
32. The elks lodge. 3:34
33. Het love. 4:02
34. Decades during. 3:47
35. Cancer. 3:59
36. Ever after. 4:00
H. Stewart: producer.
CDR 2009 – Moving Furniture Records MFR006 (edition of 100 copies)
Small Things On Sundays | 4AM
37. Below The Surface. 9:55
38. Later (Slow Mix). 4:58
39. Spitze Observatory. 12:16
40. Ghost. 8:57
41. Drifting. 9:10
42. Molecules. 7:46
Small Things On Sundays = Claus Poulsen. Henrik Bagner: producer.
CDR 2009 – Moving Furniture Records MFR007 (edition of 100 copies)
All further information can be found on www.