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Contemporary Music

tue 30 apr 2024 22:00 hrs

Recently released CDs with contemporary classical music

  • Dilorom Saidaminova. CD 2024: Shadows of MY Ancestors. The walls of ancient Buchara (1973) Mehzod Abduraimov (piano) Alpha Classics.
  • Adam Pounds. (pictured above) CD (2024): Ravel-Berkeley-Pounds. Symphony no. 3. Sinfonia of London conducted by John Wilson II. Chandos
  • Reza Vali. CD (2024) The Being of Love. Song cyclus ‘the being of love’ no. 1-2-3-4. (Longing-Love Drunk-In memory of a lost beloved-The girl from Shiraz). Württembergische Philhamonie Reutli conducted by Fawzi Haimor with Janna Baty (mezzo-soprano). Naxos.


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