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Contemporary Music

mon 25 apr 2022 19:00 hrs

Today’s Music by Today’s Composers.

The Books.

On today’s episode of Contemporary Music, you will hear music by American-Dutch duo The Books, known for their experimental music and extensive use of all kinds of samples. The duo consisted of Paul de Jong and Nick Zammuto, and was active between 1999 and 2012.


From Thought For Food (2002):

– Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Haveā€¦ (4:05)

– All Our Base Are Belong To Them (4:18)

– Thankyoubranch (5:05)


From The Lemon of Pink (2003):

– The Lemon of Pink I (4:40)

– The Lemon of Pink II (1:35)

– Tokyo (3:43)

– A True Story of a Story of True Love (4:25)


From Lost and Safe (2005):

– A Little Longing Goes Away (3:30)

– Be Good To Them Always (4:51)

– Vogt Dig For Kloppervok (3:54)

– Smells Like Content (3:41)


From The Way Out (2010):

– Group Autogenics I (3:43)

– We Bought the Flood (5:04)

– The Story of Hip Hop (4:30)


Compiled by Bas Isselman

Produced by:
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