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Contemporary Music

sun 5 may 2019 17:00 hrs

Today’s Music by Today’s Composers.

Pianoklüfte/Pianohaine #1

  • Craig Taborn – Avenging Angel (ECM)  /  Masabumi Kikuchi – Black Orpheus (ECM) /
  • Bram de Looze – Septych – (Clean Feed)
  • Simon Toldam – Omhu  (ILK) / Simon Toldam – Kig op (ILK) /
  • Alexander Hawkins – Iron Into Wind (INTAKT)
  • Myra Melford – the other side of air (firehouse 12 Records) /
  • Jozef Dumoulin Orca Noise Unit – A Beginner’s Guide To Diving and Flying (Yolk)
  • Tania Giannouli/Rob Thorne/Steve Garden – Rewa (Rattle records) /
  • Areni Agbabian – Bloom (ECM)





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