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Contemporary Music

sun 13 jan 2019 17:00 hrs

Today’s Music by Today’s Composers.
Bang on a Can All-Stars.

The Bang on a Can All-Stars were founded in 1992, which by and large fall between a chamber music ensemble and a rock band. They have executed diverse works by contemporary composers that are all pushing out the boundaries between classical music and rock and pop music.


1 – Julia Wolfe. Lick. Bang on a Can All-Stars.

2 – David Lang. The Anvil Chorus. Steve Schick, percussion.

3 – Louis Andriessen. Hout. Mark Stewart, electric guitar; Lisa Moore, piano; Evan Ziporyn, saxophone; Steve Schick, percussion.

4 – Wolfe, Lang and Michael Gordon. Lost Objects. Concerto Köln, Bang on a Can Lost Objects Ensemble, RIAS-Kammerchor conducted by Roger Epple. Claudia Barainsky, soprano. Andrew Watts and Daniel Taylor, countertenor. DJ Spooky, turntables.


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