Concertzender 40 years | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Concertzender 40 years

The Concertzender is 40 years old, this calls for a celebration!

Today, we are excited to present the second special jubilee broadcast! We’ve asked three programme makers to curate a two-hour episode featuring a live performance by violinist and singer Yanna Pelser, insightful chats about programme making and, of course, a great selection of music.

Presentation: Pauline Verburg

opname van tweede jubileumuitzending in de studio van de Concertzender

This episode of Concertzender 40 years is all about making programmes at Concertzender. How do you actually go about creating a programme? Who exactly are you making your programme for, and what makes you want to work specifically for the Concertzender? Pauline discusses this with our programme makers Karin van den Boogaert, Niklaas Hoekstra and Gerard Meulenberg.



Willem Breuker Kollektief with Mondriaan Strings and Toby Rix – Dance of the Tumblers

Susan Narucki, Schönberg Ensemble and Asko Ensemble conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw – Lonely Child by Claude Vivier

Benjamin Grosvenor and the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by James Rudd – Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin

Berlin Philharmoniker conducted by Jonathan Nott – Lontano by Györgi Ligeti

Karim Baggili – Kalimaat

The Lasses & Kathryn Claire – Bittersweet


Live performance

by Yanna Pelser (violin and voice)

  1. Kirba
  2. On Clouds
  3. What If You Were The Moon


Leontyne Price and the Metropolitan Orchestra conducted by James Levine – Pace, Pace Mio Dio from La Forza del Destino by Giuseppe Verdi

Leontyne Price and André Previn – Right as the Rain

Thomas Quasthoff and the Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Claudio Abbado – Trost im Unglück from Des Knaben Wunderhorn by Gustav Mahler

Thomas Quasthoff – The Whistleman


For forty years, the Concertzender has been showcasing a diverse range of music. Our programme makers are passionate music enthusiasts who love to share their knowledge with listeners. Remarkably, many of them have been with the Concertzender for a long time. We’ve invited several of these dedicated individuals to share their memories in this series of special jubilee broadcasts.

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