Concertzender Live | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Concertzender Live

mon 19 feb 2024 20:00 hrs

Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender (Contemporary Music).

South #73.
Two concerts from De Link in Tilburg. The second one “Linked” with Miranda Driessen and Ivo Bol and the programme Re;Make by Kluster5 and Remy Alexander.

Linked #2: Miranda Driessen | Ivo Bol.
1. Ivo Bol. Druppels (2023 wp). 9:10
2. Ivo Bol. 33.333 Voices (2023 wp). 10:50
Vinkepeezer = Ivo Bol: live electronica.
3. Morton Feldman. Three Voices (1982). 55:30
Miranda Driessen: singing, tape.
live recording by Kees van de Wiel at De Link in Het Cenakel in Tilburg on 12 December 2023

  Re;make: Kluster5 | Remy Alexander.
4. Remy Alexander. Simple Song (2022). 7:29
5. Remy Alexander. Un / Have (2022). 8:54
6. Remy Alexander. Onomatopeia (2022). 2:52
7. Remy Alexander. Labour Choir (2022). 9:46
8. Remy Alexander. Sing (2022). 9:19
Remy Alexander: live electronica, effects, percussion. Kluster5: Daan van Koppen: saxophones. Isa Goldschmeiding: violin. João Brito: percussion. Martin van Hees: guitar. Tim Sabel: piano.
live recording by Kees van de Wiel at De Link in Het Cenakel in Tilburg on 10 October 2023

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