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Concertzender Live

fri 7 apr 2023 22:00 hrs
Composer: Vangelis

Live recordings made by Concertzender of concerts from all over the country (World music). Episode: Vanessa Kourtesi Rebetiko Quartet.


In this broadcast, you can listen to a recording of the concert by the Vanessa Kourtesi Rebetiko Quartet, recorded on December 10, 2022, for the music stage “de X” in Leiden.

Vanessa Kourtesi is a singer and bouzouki player from Athens who has been living in Rotterdam since 2017 to study at Codarts, the conservatory of Rotterdam. In Athens, she played rebetika for years in taverns and on stages, collaborating with many well-known artists.

Rebetika is the quintessential Greek urban music, originating in the 1920s, particularly in port cities such as Thessaloniki and Athens (Piraeus). It is considered the “blues” of Greece, with themes of displacement, loneliness, and missing loved ones.

More information on current Greek music:


1 instrumental 1 5’14
2 instrumental 2 4’58
3 mes sti hasapiki agora 3’24
4 ti tha gino ego horis esena 3’24
5 tha rtho mia glikia vradia.3’15
6 akroyialies dilina.3’37
7 apopse ise yia fili.4’54
8 bouzouksi mou to tragoudi kopse 4’21
9 pane ta trena ki erhonte.4’58
10 sklaves tou maharaya.5’50
11 mona ziga 3’53
12 ti sou ftaio 3’40
13 pame sta bouzoukia.6’06
14 stalagmati 3’25

Band members:
Vanessa Kourtesi – vocals, bouzouki
Vangelis Koxylis – bouzouki
Thodoris Ziarkas – double bass
Asterios Varveris – guitar, vocals

Sound Engineer: Wijnand de Groot

Produced by:
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