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Concertzender Live

sat 2 apr 2022 14:00 hrs

Live recordings made by Concertzender, from concerts all over the country (Global music). Episode: Tamala. A contemporary dimension to the West-African tradition

Today, a recording of Tamala, the trio that gave a fine concert on Saturday 13 February 2022 in Cultuurcentrum de X in Leiden.

Tamala means ‘travellers’, and like its name, the music of this trio moves between different instruments and traditions. In an organic, natural way, the group balances between tradition and innovation, between strength and refinement, between dream and reality, and between north and south. Above all, it is a meeting that shares human values in addition to musical alchemy.

All three artists have made their mark in music.
Multi-instrumentalist Mola Sylla is blessed with an amazing voice and performs regularly with Ernst Reijseger and Harmen Fraanje.
Bao Sissoko is best known for his refined playing on the kora and has performed with names like Baaba Maal and Zap Mama.
Finally, Wouter Vandenabeele explores many musical styles and is known from folk groups such as Olla Vogala and Ambrozijn.
Finally, Wouter Vandenabeele explores many musical styles and is known from folk groups such as Olla Vogala and Ambrozijn.


  1. Lumba 6’35
  2. Guddi 6’42
  3. Sira 6’56
  4. Sira 4’51
  5. Improvisatie 7’14
  6. Tolof Tolof 4’59
  7. Yanoul 5’40
  8. Xafamaya 6’36
  9. Halleluja 6’23
  10. Diarra 6’54
  11. Zanzibar 8’41

Mola Sylla (vocals, xalam, kalimba, percussion)
Bao Sissoko (kora, calabash, vocals)
Wouter Vandenabeele (violin)

link: Muziekpublique

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