Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender (Classical & Early Music).
Today Ensemble Setado! with Standards from Renaissance en Baroque and the Dudok Quartet Amsterdam during the Grachten Festival 2017.
A) Standards from the ‘Real Book’ of Renaissance and Baroque: popular songs of then – played and danced in the present – Ensemble Setado!
Anonymous (16th and 17th century)
1. Variations on Passo e Mezzo antico
2. Passo e Mezzo antico in gagliarda of tourdion rythm
3. Canario
Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
4. I like to be in America
Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)
5. Courante
Jacques Cordier dit Bocan (around 1580-1653)
6. La Bocanne
François Couperin (1668-1733)
7. Courante Françoise
Jacques Cordier dit Bocan
8. La Bocanne
Anonymous (17th century)
9. Improvisations on Passacaglia bass
10. Greensleeves
11. Spagnoletta
Jacques Brel (1929-1978)
12. Dans le port d’Amsterdam
Anonymous (16th century)
13. Les Bouffons
Francesco Rognoni (1570-1626)
14. Susanne ung jour
Anonymous (16th-18th century)
15. Improvisations on Folia bass
16. Improvisations on Folia bass
Vangelis (1943-)
17. Tune of the 1492’s movie, Conquest of Paradise
Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
18. Chaconne uit Phaëton
Anonymous (17th century)
19. Improvisations on Ciaccona bass
Ensemble Setado: Dorothée Wortelboer, Renaissance and Baroque dancer and singer. Sevariano Paoli, violone. Tatsiana Khaleva, harpsichord
Recording: 20 October 2017, small church Klein Wetsinge, Groningen, the Netherlands
Technical engineer: Jaap Zijp, production: Wijnand de Groot
B) Dudok Quartet Amsterdam during the Grachten Festival 2017
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
20. From: ‘Sixth Cello Suite in D’, BWV 1012: Prelude
21. First two-voice invention in C, BWV 772 (1723)
22. Fourth three-voice invention in d, BWV 790 (1720)
23. Fuga in four voices, BWV 869 (1727)
24. Canon in four voices and bass, BWV 1077 (1747)
25. From: ‘Ein Musikalisches Opfer’, BWV 1079 (1747): Ricercar a 6
Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951)

Dudok Quartet Amsterdam (Picture: Feiko Koster)
26. Verklärte Nacht, opus 4 (1899)
– Sehr Langsam
– Breiter
– Schwer Betont
– Sehr Breit un Langsam
– Sehr Ruhig
Takehiro Konoe, viola. Alexander Warenberg, cello. Dudok Quartet Amsterdam
Recording: 20 augustus 2017, Insinger de Beaufort, Amsterdam
Technical engineer: Joost Kist, production: Chris Pit