Live recordings made by the Concertzender, of concerts with Early Music. Two recordings of the Festival Oude Muziek 2017 with music from the time of Luther: ‘Luther in Rome’ from Cantar Lontano and ‘Ludwig Senfl over Boete en Straf’ from Per-Sonat.
A) In 1511 Luther travelled to Rome. The concert programme ‘Luther in Rome’ researches with which music he could have come into contact during his travels. The Italian company Cantar Lontano conducted by Marco Mencoboni leads us to Rome, where people prayed with cultivated French-Flemish polyphony and feasted with songs of Italian bards.
1. Gaudeamus Omnes in Domino
Marchetto Cara (approx. 1465-1525)
2. Ohimè il cor, ohimè la testa
Hayne van Ghizeghem (approx. 1445-1476/97)
3. Amours Amours
Pierre de la Rue (approx. 1452-1518)
4. O Salutaris hostia
Bartolomeo Tromboncino (1470-after 1534)
5. Vergine Bella
Jannes Plice (16th century)
6. A la pesca ogn’homo a la pesca
Magister Perotinus (fl. 1200)
7. Beata viscera
Anonymous (16th century)
8. A la cazza, a la cazza
Loyset Compère (approx. 1445-1518)
9. Sola caret monstris / Fera pessima
Josquin Desprez (approx. 1450/55-1521)
10. Mille regretz
Cantar Lontano conducted by Marco Mencoboni
Recording: 26 August 2017, Pieterskerk Utrecht
Technique: Arnout Leene, production: Wijnand de Groot

Sabine Lutzenberger
B) With the concert of Per-Sonat we remain in the same time, but we go to Luther’s homeland: Germany. The penetrating voices of Per-Sonat and the wind players of Concerto Palatino interprete penitential psalms and supplication of Ludwig Senfl, completed with Lassus, Josquin and Isaac.
Ludwig Senfl (approx. 1486-1542/43)
11. Da Jesus an dem Kreuze hing
Johannes Ockeghem (approx. 1410-1497)
12. Chanson Malheur me bat
Josquin Desprez (approx. 1450/55-1521)
13. Agnus Dei (From: Messe Malhuer me bat)
Ludwig Senfl
14. De profundis clamavi, Psalm 130 (From: A custodia matutina)
Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594)
15. Verba mea auribus, Psalm 5 (3 verses)
Ludwig Senfl
16. Nisi dominus, Psalm 127
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
17. Aus tieffer not schrey ich zu dir
Heinrich Isaac (approx. 1450/55-1517)
18. O virgo prudentissima
Per-Sonat & Concerto Palatino conducted by Sabine Lutzenberger, soprano.
Recording: 29 August 2017, Geertekerk Utrecht
Technique: Cees Sterrenburg, production: Wijnand de Groot