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Concertzender Live

thu 8 jun 2017 20:00 hrs

Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender (Classical & Early Music). Pieter Wispelwey plays the cello suites of Bach.

During the New Year’s Concert on 13 January 2017 cellist  Pieter Wispelwey played all six  cello suites of Johann Sebastian Bach at the Noorderkerk.
We then supplied a live stream and today we broadcast the recordings we made on that day.
Unfortunately, not all six suites can be heard, but we will play suites 1 to 5. We owe you the sixth.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
1. Cello suite no 1 in G Major
2. Cellosuite no 2 in D minor
3. Cellosuite no 3 in C Major
4. Cellosuite no 4 in E-flat Major
5. Cellosuite no 5 in C mineur

Pieter Wispelwey, cello
Recording: 14 January 2017
Noorderkerk Amsterdam
sound engineer and production: Wijnand de Groot

6. Sonata for viola da gamba in G minor:
I. Vivace
II. Adagio
III. Allegro
Yo-yo Ma, cello. Chris Thile, mandoline. Edgar Meyer, double bass

Produced by:
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