Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender (Classical & Early Music). The Fabulous Fringe concert by Le Voci Delle Grazie during the Early Music Festival 2016 and Camerata Trajectina during thet Festival De Muze van Zuid.

Erik Beijer (foto: Monique Kooijmans)
Since viola da gamba player Erik Beijer passed away on 1 March 2017, we rebroadcast the concert of Camerata Trajectina during the Festival De Muze van Zuid.
A) Stratenmuziek (Street Music)– Festival De Muze van Zuid
Camerata Trajectina compiled a programme for De Muze van Zuid of 16th and 17th century music, with music of Joan Albert Ban, Cornelis Schuyt, Constantijn Huygens and others, and songs on lyrics by Hooft and Vondel. This way, all street names surrounding the Vondelpark, reminiscent of the Muiderkring, are musically remembered.
Adriaan Valerius (1570-1625)
1. Merck toch hoe sterck (Comedianten dans)
2. Heere keere van ons af (muziek: John Dowland)
3. Laet sang en spel (on the English Foulle)
Cornelis Schuyt
4. Musijck, die ongeschende maeght
Pieter Cornelisz Hooft (1581-1647)
5. Klaere wat heeft er uw hartje verlept
6. Hoogher Doris niet, mijn gloedtje (music: G.G. Gastoldi)
Jan Pzn. Sweelinck
7. Onder de linde groen
Constantijn Huygens
8. Serenata e riposta
Carolus Hacquart (1640-1701?)
9. Kom laat ons geen genuchten
Camerata Trajectina: Hieke Meppelink, soprano; Nico van der Meel, tenor; Saskia Coolen, recorder; Erik Beijer, viola da gamba; Arjen Verhage, lute and theorbo
recording: 22 May 2016, Vondelkerk Amsterdam
sound engineers: Frans de Wolff, production: Wijnand de Groot
B) Fabulous Fringe concert – Le Voci Delle Grazie
Il Concerto delle Donne; Italian music from the 16th and 17th century, written for a female trio of singers.
Barbara Strozzi (1619-1677)
10. Le Tre Grazie a Venere (uit: Primo libro de’madrigali, 1644)
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
11. Raggim dov’e il mio bene (from: Canzonette a tre voci, 1584)
Lodovico Agostini (1534-1590)
12. Cantan gli augei conenti (from: Libro terzo, Madrigali a sei voci, 1582)
13. Quel canto oime
Luca Marenzio (1553/4-1599)
14. Ad una fresca riva (from: Terzo libro, Villanelle a tre voci, 1587)
Domenico Mazzocchi (1592-1665)
15. Dovremo piangere la passione
Luigi Rossi (1597/8-1653)
16. Disperate speranze
17. Peccantum me quotidiae
18. Fan battaglia
Le Voci Delle Grazie: Bethany Shepherd, Ilze Grevele, soprano. Laura Lopes, mezzo-soprano. Granace Boizot, viola da gamba. Kit Spencer, baroque harp. Tahlitha Witmer, theorbo. Mariano Boglioli, harpsichord
Early Music Festival 2016
recording: 30 August 2016, Grote zaal TivoliVredenburg Utrecht
sound engineer: Nico Bos, production: Wijnand de Groot

Le Voci Delle Grazie during the Early Music Festival in TivoliVredenburg
C) De Klassieke Gouden Eeuw (The Classical Golden Age) – Schotse Hooglanders (Scottish Highlanders) by Van Swieten Society
Camille Pleyel (1788-1855)
19. Piano trio on a Scottish theme
Allegro – Largo assai ed esprissivo – Rondo Ecossoise
Four Scottish songs for soprano and pianoforte:
20. C. Pleyel – The waefu’ heart
21. L. Kozeluch – The flowers of the forest
22. G. Thomson – I saw the weep
23. W. Schindlöcker – John Andersen my Jo
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
24. Phantasy in F sharp minor, opus 28
Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1827)
Two Scottish songs, opus 108:
25. Again my lyre, Sunset
26. Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie
Van Swieten Society: Francine van der Heijden – soprano. Heleen Hulst, violin. Job ter Haar, cello. Bart van Oort, fortepiano
recording: 27 November 2016, Waalse Kerk Amsterdam
sound engineer: Larva Peruzzotti, production: Chris Pit