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Classical Matters

sun 9 sep 2018 09:00 hrs
Composer: Orazio Benevolo

A selection of the CD releases discussed in the Klassieke Zaken (Classical Matters) magazine. Musicologist Jean Lionnet copied the scores of Orazio Benevolo that were stored in the Vatican archives. Now performed by Le Concert Spirituel. And Jordi Savall and his ensembles dove deep into the Peruvian vocal dance music which is on record in the Codex Trujillo de Perú.

 Orazio Benevolo – Missa ‘Si Deus pro nobis’

Le Concert Spirituel led by Hervé Niquet


 Jordi Savall – Codex Trujillo de Perú

Hesperion XXI, La Capella Real de Catalunya and the Tembembe Ensamble e Continuo, led by Jordi Savall


Lees verder on the site of the Vereniging Klassieke Zaken…


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