Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 14 feb 2023 21:00 hrs
Composer: Matty Niël

Works by Matty Niël (1918-1989):


  1. Sonatina I (1954). Peter Soeters, piano.
  2. Two songs (1955). a. Wenn nachts die Brunnen rauschen. b. O Nacht, zwar schwarze, aber linde Zeit. Peter Nievelstein, baritone. Peter Soeters, piano.
  3. Variations for clarinet, cello, and piano (1985). Matty Niël Consort.
  4. Metamorphosen und Kehraus (1988). Limburg Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Robertson.
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