Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 12 apr 2022 21:00 hrs

Works by Hellendaal [pictured], Fodor, Meder & Lentz.

1. Pieter Hellendaal (1721-1799) [pictured]. Concerto Grosso in G minor, opus 3 no. 1.
Residentie Orkest conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt.

2. Carolus Antonius Fodor (1768-1846). Symphony no. 4 in C major, opus 19.
Residentie Orkest conducted by Antal Dorati.

3. Johann Gabriƫl Meder (1735-1805). Symphony, opus 3 no. 1.
Residentie Orkest conducted by Ernest Bour.

4. Johan Nicolaas Lentz (1719/20-1782). harpsichord concerto no. 2.
Ton Koopman, harpsichord & conducting. Residentie Orkest.


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