Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

wed 8 jan 2020 19:00 hrs

Dutch Music performed by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.

1. Rudolf Escher (1912-1980). Musique pour l’esprit en deuil (1943).
Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Bernard Haitink.

2. Rob Zuidam (born. 1964). Adam-Interludes (2007/08), to Vondel. Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Ingo Metzmacher.

3. Geert van Keulen (born. 1943). Five tragic songs with lyrics by Anna Enquist (2007). Detlef Roth, baritone. Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Lothar Zagrosek.

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