Old and New – Modern or Antique, monody – early polyphony. In Antiqua Versus Nova we will pay attention to one specific musical change or big transformation from the history of Western European music. Episode 14: Kings, heroes, gods and heroic deeds.
Today a lot of ‘celebrities’ will appear on Antiqua Versus Nova: kings and heroes from the very early middle ages, like the legendary Attila the Hun.
From more civilized times: Gaston III, called Fébus. From the time circa 1000: Ludwich (or Louis) III – grandson of Charlemagne. Charlemagne himself (see 1st picture).
But also songs about the high-spirited Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Anonymous, circa 1200
1. Clausula Domino
2. Danse Réale
3. Der Kuninc Rodolp, Der Unvuortzagete
Studio Laren
(CNR 748002, 1972)
Occitania, 12th century
4. A l’entrada del tens clar
5. Non es meravelhia
Ensemble Studio Laren. Piet Brummer, vocals
(SL 9903/ Eros – De Vostin – De Abdis R.P.01)
Antoine Forqueray (1672-1745)
6. Jupiter
Ensemble Vittorio Ghielmi
Jacopo da Bologna
7. Alquila Altera
Ensemble Tre Fontane
Anonymous Spanish, 13th/14th century (Poema’s de la Alhambra):
8. No aquí hay prodigios mil
9. Jardín del paraiso
10. Todo arte me ha brindado su hermosura
11. Diáfano tazón, tallada perla
12. No ves cómo el tazón que inunda el agua
Ensemble conducted by Eduardo Paniagua13. Praise chorus to Attila the Hun (see picture on the right)
Ensemble Studio Laren
(SL 9901)
Lorenzo Allegri (1573-1648)
14. Ballo delle Ninfe
Le Poème Harmonique
(Alpha 903)
To Anonymous, 9th century
15. Ludwichslied ‘Einun kunig weiz ih’
Ensemble Studio Laren
(SL 9901)
Cesare Negri, 16th century
16. Brando per Quattro Pastore e Quattro Ninfe
Andrew Lawrence King, arpa doppia
(Hyperion CDA 66229)
17. A solis ortu, Lament on the death of Charlemagne
Ensemble Studio Laren
(SL 9901)
Anonymous (circa 1360)
18. Febus mundo Oriens
19. En seumeillant
20. Altisonis aptat
Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel
Giovanni Maria Trabaci
21. Partite sopra Zefiro
Andrew Lawrence King, harp
(Hyperion CDA 66229)