An Early Morning Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Morning Stroll

tue 27 dec 2016 09:00 hrs

Recent CD releases. Works of Cartellieri, Duport, Cherubini & Donizetti.

1. Antonio Casimir Cartellieri – Clarinet quintet no. 2 in Es.

Dieter Klöcker, clarinet, Members of the Consortium Classicum.

2. Jean-Pierre Duport – Cello sonata for 2 cellos in D, opus 2 no. 1.

Anner Bijlsma & Kenneth Slowik, cello. Stanley Hoogland, fortepiano.

3. Luigi Cherubini – Sinfonia no. 2 in C.

Laura Alvini, harpsichord.

4. Gaetano Donizetti – String quartet no. 16 in B-flat.

The Revolutionary Drawing Room.

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