An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 27 dec 2022 19:00 hrs
Composer: Hans Rott

Broken in the bud – Hans Rott 2

Today an episode in a series of programs featuring music by composers who died young, titled ‘Broken in the bud’.

This is the second program dedicated to Austrian composer Hans Rott. He was born in Vienna in 1858. Bruckner and Mahler were impressed by his talent. Some also see Rott as the “missing link” between these two greats. Johannes Brahms, however, did not have much use for his compositions.

Rott suffered from haunting delusions and depression, among other things, and died in a mental institution (of tuberculosis) in 1884. He was only 25 years old.

One composition is the focus of this installment: the Symphony No. 1 in E major. According to Mahler, Rott showed himself to be “the founder of the new symphony.” According to Brahms, the symphony showed that Rott had “no talent whatsoever.” Judge for yourself.


  1. Hans Rott: Symphony no. 1 in E major.
    Bamberger Symphoniker conducted by Jakub Hrusa
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