An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 16 nov 2021 19:00 hrs
Composer: Juliusz Zarebski

Just like Schubert, Juliusz Zarȩbski(1854-1885) passed away at the age of 31, a man of great promise. He was one of Liszt’s favourite pupils and celebrated triumphs as a piano virtuoso. The last few years of his life he withered away due to TB and was only rarely able to perform.

That is why he threw himself into composing. Shortly before his death, he wrote an exceptionally

original piano quintet, which we will be listening to tonight in a thrilling live performance by pianist Martha Argerich and friends.


  1. Juliusz Zarȩbski: Valse op. 27/2, Marian Mika, piano
  2. Juliusz Zarȩbski: Mazurka from op.16, Philippe Devaux, piano
  3. Juliusz Zarȩbski: Piano quintet in G minor, opus 34, Martha Argerich, piano; DoraSchwarzberg; Lucia Hall, violin; Lyda Chen, viola; Gautier Capuçon, cello


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