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Acoustic Roots

fri 18 aug 2017 21:00 hrs

Our guests today are Simone Bottasso & Reza Mirjalali in the Neighbours Project.

The Neighbours Project is an encounter between Western and Eastern music, aimed at better neighbourly relationships by sharing and acknowledging shared human and cultural values.

Simone & Reza on this topic: “In the vulnerable historical moment we live in, we think only music and art can defy the difficulties, prejudices and fears the media serve up every day.”

Simone Bottasso- diatonic accordion

Simone Bottasso already played the diatonic accordion at 8 years old. He started studying traditional Occitanian and Italian music and studied with Riccardo Tesi, Norbert Pignol, Marc Perrone and Silvio Peron. He graduated on classical flute in 2012. In 2013 he concluded his jazz studies at the Conservatorio G. Verdi di Torino and moved to Rotterdam to study jazz and contemporary and electronic composition with Paul van Brugge and René Uijlenhoet at the Codarts Conservatory. As a musician he plays in many groups (Duo Bottasso, Abnoba, Samurai, Folk Messengers, Stygiens) with which he performs at many jazz, classical and world music festivals throughout Europe.

Reza Mirjalali- tar, ud

Reza Mirjalali was born in 1989 in Teheran, Iran. His father Shahram Mirjalali taught him to play the tar when he was 12. At age 17 he toured with his father and worked with other bands and musicians from various musical genres. In Iran he won music competitions in the field of improvisation and solo music. Reza wishes to bridge Eastern and Western culture through music and for this reason he moved to the Netherlands in 2013 where he worked with various ensembles (Persian traditional music, Ottoman music, jazz, pop). Together with his father he has a duo too. He is currently studying at the Codarts Conservatory in Rotterdam.

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New way
Autumn 2014





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