Absolutely Classical | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Absolutely Classical

wed 16 aug 2017 14:00 hrs

Music from the real Classical period. Episode 152: works by Bernhard Henrik Crusell.

1. Bernhard Henrik Crusell – Duo no 1, in F Major
Håkan Rosengern (clarinet), Mats Löfving (clarinet)

2. Bernhard Henrik Crusell – Concertante for clarinet, horn and bassoon, in B flat Major, opus 3.
Dan Larsson, clarinet. Erik Rapp, horn. Andreas From, bassoon. Symphonic wind ensemble of Östgöta conducted by Olof Boman.

3. Bernhard Henrik Crusell – Fantasy on Swedish National Melodies.
Symphonisch wind ensemble of Östgöta conducted by Olof Boman.

4. Bernhard Henrik Crusell – The Little Slave girl (Bön ur Den Lilla Slavinnan).
Symphonisch wind ensemble of Östgöta conducted by Sonny Jansson.


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