75 Years of Blue Note | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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75 Years of Blue Note

tue 12 aug 2014 17:00 hrs
Composer: Horace Silver

Episode 11: Avant-garde jazz and bossa nova. In 1964 the boss of Blue Note – Alfred Lion – gave a lot of room to Avant-jazz musicians, among them was piano player Andrew Hill. In the same year “Song for my father” became the best sold record of piano player Horace Silver, partly thanks to his bossa nova title song. The album was inspired by the music from the Cape Verde Islands where his Portuguese father was born.

Playlist (episode 11):
1. Refuge (Hill)  
Andrew Hill, Point of Departure; Blue Note 4167
2. Flight 19 (Hill)
Andrew Hill, Point of Departure; Blue Note  4167
3. Dedication (Hill)
Andrew Hill, Point of Departure; Blue Note  4167

Horace Silver album

4. Song for My Father (Silver) Horace Silver, Song for my father; Blue Note 724349900226
5. Calcutta Cutie (Silver)
Horace Silver, Song for my father; Blue Note 724349900226
6. Que Pasa? (Silver)
Horace Silver, Song for my father; Blue Note 724349900226
7. The Kicker (Henderson)
Horace Silver, Song for my father; Blue Note724349900226

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