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The Great American Songbook

sat 22 jun 2024 16:00 hrs
Composers: Kurt Weill | Steve Gray

Successful American jazz and light music of the 20th century, composed primarily for Broadway musicals, musical theatre and Hollywood films; The songs of Kurt Weill (Dessau 1900 – New York 1950)

Although Kurt Weill initially focused on composing classical works, he became increasingly interested in musical theater during the 1920s, achieving widespread success with his Dreigroschenoper. After Hitler came to power, he fled to Paris in 1933, where he wrote for several theater productions before emigrating to America in 1935. In the United States, he began composing for Broadway productions, and many of his compositions have since become part of the Great American Songbook.
1934 Je Ne T’Aime Pas
Holy Cole  Don’t Smoke in Bed 1993
1938 Knickerbocker Holiday
September Song
Julia Hûlsmann Quartet / Theo Bleckmann  A Clear Midnight/ Kurt Weill and America 2014
It Never Was You
Norma Winstone   Manhattan In The Rain 1998 / Steve Gray p. Chris Laurence bs.
1941 Lady In The Dark
My Ship
Grady Tate  Feeling Life 1969
This Is New
Denise Donatelli In The Compagny Of Friends 2005
One LIfe To Live
Jackie Paris Sings the Lyrics of Ira Gwershwin 1960
1943 One Touch Of Venus
I’m A Stranger Here Musely
Adi Braun  Moderne Frau 2017
Speak Low
Fay Claassen Specially arranged for Fay / Millenium Big Band 2002
That’s Him
Abbey Lincoln  That’s Him / Wynton Kelly, Sonny Rollins, Kenny Dorham 1957
1946 Street Scene (opera)
Lonely House
June Christy  Something Cool 1955
1948 Lost In The Stars
Lost In The Stars  Anita O’Day Mello’Day 1979
1928 Dreigroschenoper
Mackie The Knife  (Die Moritat by Mackie Messer)
Ella Fitzgerald live in Berlin 1960
picture: Kurt Weill
Produced & presented by:
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