Madge-point | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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sun 16 jun 2024 10:00 hrs

Episode 250 of Madge-point is the first episode in a three-part series on English pianist Sir Clifford Curzon.


  1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano concerto no. 27 in B-flat, KV595
    Clifford Curzon, piano and the English Chamber Orchestra conducted by Benjamin Britten
  2. Franz Schubert: Impromptu no. 3 in G-flat and no.4 in A-flat, 90 D899
    Clifford Curzon, piano.
  3. Henry Litolff: from Concerto Symphonique no. 4 in d, Op.102 – movement 2 (Scherzo)
    Clifford Curzon, piano and the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Adrian Boult

Tech: Marco Wensveen

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Picture Clifford Curzon: © Bascon

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