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sun 7 apr 2024 16:00 hrs

From Russia’s Silver Age: Glazunov, Scriabin, and Prokofiev.

In this episode of Harmonious you’ll hear music by three composers from Russia’s Silver Age: the established Alexander Glazunov (pictured) (1865-1936), the adventurous Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915), and the young, talented Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953).


1) Aleksandr Glazoenov: Violin concerto in a minor (op. 82) [1905]. Julia Fischer (violin); Russian National Orchestra; Yakov Kreizberg (conductor); [recording: 2004].

2) Aleksandr Skrjabin: Symphony no. 4Le poème de l’extase’ (op. 54) [1908]. Cleveland Orchestra; Lorin Maazel; [recording: 1971].

3) Sergei Prokofiev: Piano concerto no. 1 in D major (op. 10) [1912]. Jean-Efflam Bavouzet (piano); BBC Philharmonic; Gianandrea Noseda (conductor); [recording: 2012].




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