An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 21 feb 2023 19:00 hrs

Chamber music from Latvia. A country that, despite the many rulers it has known, has managed to maintain its own culture.


Many composers have translated this uniqueness into their works. In this broadcast, the spotlight is on four composers who have played a role in the music history of their country.

Emilis Melngailis (1874-1954): Quasi uno quartetto
Oh young brother
The gold of the stars
The two of us
Riga Chamber Players

Jēkabs Medinš (1885-1971): Romance for clarinet and piano (1942)
Egils Šefers, clarinet and Toms Ostrovskis, piano

Jānis Ivanovs (1906-1983): String Quartet No. 1 (1931-32)
Andante – Allegro
Presto – Lento ma non troppo
String Quartet of the Latvian Music Academy

Jāzeps Vītols (1863-1948): Prelude for Piano, Op. 10, No. 1 in B flat major
– Reinis Zarinš, piano

Jēkabs Medinš: Legenda – Liepāja Symphony Orchestra, Imants Resnis

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