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Contemporary Music

mon 6 feb 2023 19:00 hrs

The slow, serene music of Morton Feldman (1926-1987).


Feldman was a significant innovator in American classical music. In his early years, he experimented with new ways of music notation. Often, only the contour of the music was fixed, but Feldman left it up to the musicians to decide which notes to play. His later pieces are very different. He experiments with sound, and his pieces are often soft and have a slow tempo. Silence is an important element in the music of Morton Feldman.

  1. Morton Feldman. Intersection no. 1. Barton Workshop conducted by Jos Zwaanenburg.
  2. Morton Feldman. Rothko Chapel. Kim Kashkashian, viola. Steven Schick, percussion. Sarah Rothenberg, celesta. Lauren Snouffer, soprano. Sonja Bruzauskas, mezzo-soprano. Houston Chamber Choir conducted by Robert Simpson.
  3. Morton Feldman. Triadic Memories (fragment). Marilyn Nonken, piano.
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