Co Live! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Co Live!

sat 4 feb 2023 21:00 hrs

What does a sea kayak have to do with music? You will find out thanks to the project Man in the Wild by pianist/composer and kayaker Jaco Benckhuijsen. Together with Joost Lijbaart, he gives fascinating “film concerts”.


Also, this time we have more recordings from Nick Vollebregt’s Jazz Café, where we will be hosting a Concertzender event on February 26th. You are welcome to join us! Doors open at 13:30, starting at 14:00! Free admission.


  1. IKS – No One Else (IKS)
  2. Jaco Benckhuijsen – Proloog/Horizon weer zien (J. Benckhuijsen)
  3. Jaco Benckhuijsen – Ver punt 53.5158333/-167.8013889 (J. Benckhuijsen)
  4. Jaco Benckhuijsen – Golvenrijder (J. Lijbaart/J. Benckhuijsen)
  5. Jaco Benckhuijsen – Nachtvaart (J. Benckhuijsen)
  6. Kika Sprangers Large Ensemble – Pelle (K. Sprangers)
  7. The New Conrad Miller Trio – Rain Over Damascus (C. Molenaar)
  8. Mo van der Does Quartet – August Crisis (M. van der Does)
  9. Ian Cleaver – It’s The Talk Of The Town (J. Livingston)
  10. Gary Lucas – Dance Of Destiny (G. Lucas)
  11. Jaco Benckhuijsen – Proloog/Horizon weer zien (J. Benckhuijsen)



Photo of Jaco: Jens van der Velde

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