Turkenburg Time Travels | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Turkenburg Time Travels

sat 14 jan 2023 14:00 hrs

Episode 1: The 1920s: the New Orleans Style.


The first jazz sounded in New York in 1917. We’re there at Restaurant Reisenweber. It’s fun dancing at home to those 78-rpm records full of animal noises. The jazz really starts when Louis Armstrong begins improvising on the trumpet and as a vocalist. The sound engineer doesn’t know what to think when Louis Armstrong walks into the studio with his Hot Five. Jelly Roll Morton, the ‘inventor’ of jazz, expanded the New Orleans orchestra and bridged the gap to the big band.


Original Dixieland Jazz Band

Livery Stable Blues
Dixieland Jass Band One Step
Tiger Rag


King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band

Dippermouth Blues
Camp Meeting Blues
Sugar Foot Stomp


Louis Armstrong’s Hot Five, Hot Seven

12th Street Rag
Struttin with some Barbecue
Hotter than that.
Laughin’ Louie
West End Blues
Muskat Ramble


Jelly Roll Morton

Maple Leaf Rag (Scott Joplin)
Maple Leaf Rag (Jelly Roll Morton)
Sidewalk Blue
Dr. Jazz

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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